England Lockdown 2.0
Should you begin to resist lockdowns?
Like the topic of BREXIT, this COVID-19 creates strong feelings and opinions.
I, of course, have an opinion I want to share this with you. Infact I feel obilgated to share it with you. After all the opinions of leaderless leaders are sharing what is after all … their opinion.
They say, it could be, it might be its possible. This week the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson
When I offer my opinion through my emails or posts to my subscribers I would say I am well researched. Rarely do my opinions come from newspapers or blogs or social media. I dig as deep as I can dig before speaking out. My second way of offering an opinion is based on what I feel. There are times in life when you feel something is not right and this isn’t right.
So my opinion is here to make you think and help you make a decision over compliance and submission or rising against lockdowns.
Also, my opinion is more or less based on the science provided by well over 30,000 of the worlds best scientists including a leading Nobel Prize winner. (Oxford University’s Professor Carl Heneghan)
Lockdown 2.0 appears to be an exageration and lie based on false models and predictive and flawed statements
I think you know and feel that now.
Part of me can understand the reason behind lockdown 1 because no one really knew what this COVID-19 was. But lockdown 2.0 in Europe and UK appears to be a hyper-exaggerated lie. Has this become even more about over excited science rather that reality? Has this become more about the significance of individuals rather than the health of a whole country?
Lets think this through; extreme fear of death new COVID lockdown 2.0
We agreed to lockdown 1. and we all complied where we could complie to lockdown. At least five people in the town where I live couldn’t cope with the initial idea and sadly killed themselves, but as a whole we did it.
We all agreed to stay at home as life in an open prison. Then we all agreed to invest hard cash we didn’t have into floor stickers, plastic sheets, sanitisers, facemasks, offending our customers, sticking to un-stickable rules, leaving grandmothers or parent to die alone, avoiding family, avoiding friends, making ourselves physically sicker, making our minds mentally sicker, avoiding parks, losing money in travel, destroying our businesses and I could go on and on in the long line of endless changes. We all did that even if it was the last thing we wanted to do.
These and more would stop, prevent, reduce COVID infections and stop deaths and the NHS being overwhelmed. These would protect the public and protect the NHS. Did that happen?
Going access to any medical procedure during the crisis has effectively put the NHS out of reach of the common man. Unless you pay private hospitals and doctors are a now almsot no-go zone for you and me. The NHS has become the National Covid Service. I can tell you from first-hand experience after a recent hospital visit that there was hardly a soul in a massive Manchester hospital – NOT single chair ANYWHERE for pateints to sit because there were no patients apart from us. It now appears that unless you have COVID the NHS no longer want to know. This is NOT. Reflection on the brillaint NHS staff rather a reflection on government.
Then to re-open any business you had to commit to ordering, buying, printing and making your business COVID safe. A plastic sheet between two people would stop them from certain death or so we were told. We did this and more. We fired young people, we removed hope for young people, we let staff go, we kept customers out of the building. One of our favourite cafes went from around 20 tables inside to FOUR tables inside.
The order and pay point is one huge floor to ceiling plastic sheet. The staff appear to resent you going in and ordering coffee. Hair salons removed chairs, removed sinks, put up plastic walls, dressed like surgeons or astronauts to get the governments permission to accept a customer. And then we sent back literally thousands of students (£15 grand per student). They were Fall heading to covid safe institutions. Gloves, facemask and sheets would prevent everything. And swimming in a chlorinated pool was banned. Gyms were banned. One guy running on a beach wearing facemasks was chased and beaten by the police?
Did this all stop the COVID infections as promised? I think the answer to that is clearly obvious. Are wee being taken for a lockdown ride?
So let’s talk about the immediatte danger you face?
Actually, let’s change the conversation here because there are two conversations just like there are two conversations with any illness.
There is an infection and there is death.
Hepatitis kills Hepatitis DOES kill. It can be deadly. I had hepatitis when I was a teenager yet here I am writing to you at 57-years… I am not dead. I had the infection but I didn’t have the death.
There is a huge difference between death and infection.
If you get infected with COVID you get infected. And then what? Mostly nothing, not a damned thing! You get a test. You are told to stay home for 14-days. There is no instant cure. It comes and it goes. With flu we don’t get a test because we now know what flu is. We get it, we stay at home for a week or two and then we are back to normal.
Infection mostly means nothing. Measuring infection means nothing. Can you imagine a daily report of infection for colds or flu? You would be terrified of leaving the house. This is nothing more than a tool of FEAR.
Yes, it of course COVID can kill. Yes, it rarely kills according to the experts.
So now we have been led to believe that even leaving the house is so deadly we should absolutely stay at home.
The virus is waiting for you and you will catch it.
So we are being told almost every minute of everyday …
If you do catch it you will die.
If you don’t die you are responsible for killing someone else and will be humiliaited as a killer.
Wearing a plastic screen over your head or a facemask or building perspex walls will save you and everyone around you.
Using dangerous disinfectants on your skin every opportunity will prevent cross infections even if they do cause skin and lung disease long term.
BULLSHIT … you, me and all of us are not really being manipulated because those in charge simply don’t have the inteligence to do that. I beleive we are simply being misled by those that like to see themselves as god-like or significant. You know the types that say, “I can save you follow me”
As Rome is burning our Nero plans a new rail track from London to the North.
Whilst you suffer, I suffer, we all suffer and more and more households, families and businesses close their doors for the very last time.
What is next?
If everyone keeps on blindly complying, lockdowns 3, 4, 5 and so on will continue. There will be no wages, no money, no businesses and no anything for you or for anyone. This means we will end up in a bankrupt country where the difference between rich and poor will be a chasm that no one will be able to cross. This simply means you, I and others will be completely dependant and docile to the state and their next move. As their waistlines grow ours will thin. And it has never been so obvious with the volume of lies and rules that have been pushed into your life.
They (goverments and some scientists) want you to be passive and docile. Most of the country and Europe that has happened. Has it happened to you?
Now is the time.
This has to be the time when we all say NO MORE to new dictators or wanna-be democratic despots. You know COVID won’t kill you, it might infect you but it won’t always kill you.
This is a time when the country has to take back the sanity, reclaim daily life and fight against the despotic draconian measure that are senseless in themselves.
This is a time where we should all
Stand-up and stand against
Get our very safe businesses open
Take the fine as it is handed out by over zealous COVID police
Refuse to pay the fine
Open again every day without fail
Resist as one person – a country
Gather all of your COVID safe plastics that others got rich on
Drive to your local town hall
Dump the plastic all outside
Invoice the government, the advisors and the scientists
… for lost takings, lost funds, loss of business, ill health, mental health relationship breakdowns, divorce, suicide and unhappiness.
Now is your time to stand up and be counted.
Or are you now so well trained that you will always comply and do as youre told despite the reality of what over 30,000 experts are telling us and that is the governments and 4 or 5 scientists are wrong?
Remember those doing this are NOT affected by lockdowns like you are. They appear to simply no longer care. COVID has no more power than most serious illness and is certainly NO bubonic place or black death.
We must take back control of our daily lives and start to make a stand against this barbaric, draconian fear-induced behaviour before it truly and finally destroys you, your family and your business for good.
Will you make a stand against this lockdown and steal back your life?
Like all things this is a choice.
Are you choosing or are you allowing others to choose for you?
I am dead-set against this lockdown and any future lockdowns.