When Opinions Become Fanatical Belief

Fluid Opinions That Become Fanatical Belief

It can be hard to believe in today’s climate of fear that opinions were once a valued piece of decision-making of conversation named democracy.

That is one person offered an opinion. A second person offered their opinion. The opinions then carried on until a decision was made on the matter.

Not all had to agree and not did agree.

Once a decision was made the vote took place. Once the vote took place the majority would win. This is called democracy.

Not today.

Take Canada as an example. It is easy to read about what is taking place there and it is shocking. Dmocaacy is under direct attack. Free speech and other opinions can literally get you killed in some cases. See more of what is happening here.

This is a country that is offering as medical service called - suicide. Rather than the sick be sick the mdeical authoriites can offer you a quick way out - death.

This way there is less pressure on their medical auorities.

They are making it as legal as they can get away with to mutilate, toxicate, poision and experiment on children as young as four years of age.

A gay man oppossed to this made his point. He said something like this - see in video above -

“I am gay, I enjoy being gay. If i had gay tendancys today they would psuh the story that I am actually a girl and would then set about removing my sexual organs. I love sex and if that had happeend they would be denying me sex and being gay. I am oppossed to this”

Even more dangerous is the fact having an opinion that is no longer in harmony with the mass can lead to extremely dangerous outcomes. This all led and blessed by the extremist that is too extreme for even China - Trudeau.

And this.

Harvard University is officially 2023’s worst school for free speech

Harvard University is officially 2023’s worst school for free speech.

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) released its annual college free speech rankings on Wednesday, which dubbed the state of free speech at the Ivy League school “abysmal.”

“I’m not totally surprised,” Sean Stevens, director of polling and analytics at FIRE, told The Post. “We’ve done these rankings for years now, and Harvard is consistently near the bottom.”

Despite being the most acclaimed academic institution in the country, Harvard received a 0.00-point free speech ranking on a 100-point scale — a full 11 points behind the next-worst school.

Read Full Article Here

Can you ever even imagine this. A place where opinions are valued and exchanged are no longer welcome. Not today. Not right now.

Opinions and Fascism Rebranded

Never has the opinion of another created such fierce reactions as it can today. An opinion can now be reported as an actual hate crime. Maybe this post will be reported as a crime. A young 16 year old woman that suffers from ADHD told a policewaoman shoiuld looked like a lesbian. She did look like a top drawer lesbian. She was actually a lesbian.

Because this young girl said this two vans of police arrived at her mother’s home, dragged the child out in handcuffs and charged her for a hate crime. After huge public outcry all charges were dropped. This is now far from uncommon in the U.K. today. See the video here.

It’s starting to look and feel like the birth of a new rebranded facism and the public are loving it.

Let me take you back for a moment.

The Religious Fanatic

For 20 years before 2006, my life was very different. Only my opinion mattered. Looking back that was wrong.

In 1987 I was baptised and trained as a fundamentalist ordained minister. My opinion as a Jehovah’s Witness could be very fiercely opposed. In fact, there were many times when I was silenced, spat upon, pushed and threatened as a witness.

I understood then and I still understand now. Those were days when I played at being very righteous, but not always right. My own reality in those days was I couldn't be wrong, I felt I was always right.

As a witness, I was trained to listen to the opinion of another. Show respect for that opinion and never force my opinion on others. That is what I did. And then if had the opportunity to speak I would speak and share my opinion. If my opinion wasn’t wanted I simply moved on. Yet I still felt my opinion was right.

I would like to say however that probably 99.9% of the time everyone I spoke to was fine, but I really didn’t want to hear anything of my religious opinions. But I respectfully listened.

In today's climate of a forced or manufactured and very real fear of the opinions of others resistance to opinions can be brutal, especially with PRIDE, LBGT+, TRANS and other new sexual belief systems. Opposing them today can lead to extremely serious consequences. When I say oppose I don’t mean opposing them with violence, I mean simply with an opinion.

Born Again Human - What Is a Woman?

There have always been trans people. It isnt new, it isnt a new invention or discovery. History is littered with males and fermales playing the opposite roles and in many cases living the opposite roles. And most didnt bother about them. There were no mass oppositions or huge violent conventions. They just got on with their lives as did everyone else.

For example, we have the new, almost religious like born-again belief that is now being actively spread that a woman can be born with a penis, a man can be born with a vagina and a man can even have a period. But is that opinion true? There is a huge minority with a massive voice online that would say this is a new truth. Is it true? Even politicians are terrified of opposing it when asked.

Next time you walk past a politician feel free to ask them, “what is a woman?”

Killing Babies

I am the father of six children. I feel qualified to speak about going from conception to birth. But of course, I am not a woman. At 12 weeks what I can see in a book or on a screen is a BABY. There is no denying this scientific fact - that is a baby. At this stage, it cannot live outside its mother’s womb but does not change the fact it is still a baby. The embryo at 12 weeks has long since gone. Everything has now formed.

The current opinion is, that it is the right of a woman to decide over her own body. I agree. The woman can make a decision yes or no when it comes to any action. This is a woman’s right to full control over her body.  Of course, it is her right.

Yet another opinion will say this and this opinion is now seen by the masses as a valueless opinion. Once a baby is growing inside the mother that baby should be protected at all costs.

In older days a mother would give her life before she would allow harm to the new child growing inside. That new baby was under the custodial protection of its mother until it arrived in the world. Once the baby arrived if the mother didn’t or couldn’t look after it the baby would be given to a guardian to protect and allowed to grow into an adult.

The protection of children was absolute paramount. Children are always the future of all things. Not according to some.

Fanatical abortion supporters will voice - often and hysterically - and say that it is fine to tear out a baby limb by limb or even deliver a viable baby to be drowned, or killed outside its mother’s womb as long as it is the mother who has made the decision to do such a thing.

Yet the opposite opinion will also say nothing can change the fact that this is a baby and nothing less. Any opposing opinion is seen as extreme. Any opposing opinion is seen as heresy to the new belief systems.

And there are some reading this article that will feel outraged and fury of someone daring to write such things against their newfound faith. Yet this is just two opinions.

The Heresy of An Opinion

To make a truly informed choice differing opinions of all sorts must be heard and listened to. If they are not heard or listened to the choice is usually biased one way or another way.

There is a new film. The film is called ‘what is a woman.’ In that film a transsexual sparked total outrage for saying something like this.

‘I was born a man. I will always be a man. I am a surgically and chemically altered man that has been altered to look like a woman. Yet the reality is I will still die as a man, will never be a woman and will always be a man.’

Some said his opinion was just too outrageous yet to a child with a clea n mind that hasnt yet been indoctrinated it will sound like the truth.

Is this man dressed and living his life as a woman opposing or threatening those that believe men can be born with a vagina, men can get pregnant and men have periods? Or is he simply sharing his truth or his opinion?

One Opinion One Belief One Way

So when an unheard opinion becomes wrong by default we then have a serious problem with democracy. Once one set of opinions becomes the new default belief system it is no longer an opinion it has become a belief. In other words, I believe this is right and anything other than what I believe is wrong. This is no longer democracy this is much more dangerous.

History reveals in black and white this is exactly how all terrifying nations have their start. We don’t have to guess the outcome is prewritten and it isn’t good.

This week a man on a byscycla was stoppin in Canada. He was asked what he thought about canada new direction. He was just outraged and told the reported he is going home to Italy as he can no longer tolerate what is rapidly becoming a despotic, aggressive system designed to oppress.

This is a form of self-righteous new puritanism than detaches itself from opinions and makes itself right by default. One way, one opinion.

Once one opinion that isn’t truly based on fact has become adopted there also comes a danger that mass opposition that eventually fights and wants to destroy that opinion. We saw this with ISIS did we not?

What The Hell Is Going On?

There is nothing new here. It has happened before. History reveals the when and how and even the outcome of forced opinion becoming a statutory belief. 

Today is no different. The only real difference today is those with extreme opinions get faster and more coverage and support through social media and the online algorithm. The danger with algorithms is they are programmed by people with opinions. We can see right now how social media is now closing down any opinion that is in opposition to their forced opinions.

This week even YouTube has begun to censor alternative health opinions. There is one expert that I personally love - Dr Berg - who has millions upon millions of views, praises and testimonies. Sadly youtube have now agreed to highlight the information of WHO rather than experts.

We have and are still seeing this with the vaccine conversations. This week Canada (no shock) want the population to mask up, socially distance and take precautions from next month.

Hence even the opinion of an algorithmic feed can be swayed towards new extreme thoughts for the sake of being current. 

Here is where it gets more interesting. Most extreme opinions that silence a conversational opinion appear to have historically damaged human society at some level. 

Take Stalin’s one-way approach to his population. Take Idi Amin, Pol Pot and many other extreme opinions. I am sure they felt or portrayed that they had the population’s best interests at heart. Time revealed, but only after mass destruction that they were focused on self and never the greater good.

Today if you make an attempt to voice an opinion against mass algorithm pseudoscience and current mass belief you can face the wrath of cancel culture and even the law itself. It also appears most with opinions like this know little about what they are voicing their opinion about. They are simply swept along with the mass voice and viral attachments that go with that voice.

The White Privilege Mantra

An example of that is the term ‘white privilege’ Even I have experienced the wrath of someone telling me I am white privileged. This was from a man that comes from a middle-class family, his parents (who I know) worked very hard to achieve what they achieved from their very working-class and frankly poor start.

When I asked him why he said this he simply replied, ‘because you are’. This is the power of mass thinking under one extreme idea. No other opinion is considered. They are just right - because they are right.

Yet even more extreme is when clearly damaging ideas reject all opinions and are adopted as a belief. This is dangerous for the ignorant. This is dangerous for humans. When opinions based on reasoned thought are completely locked out from conversation you have a fixed fundamental belief system that will damage when in force but will eventually collapse.

This week a report in the newspaper of a high court case about to take place. This was a young man who felt confused about his sexuality. After just one meeting with ‘experts’, he was put on life-changing drugs. This eventually led to his male genitalia being removed. Once awake he claims his regret was instant. He wished he hadn’t listened to the opinions or fixed beliefs of others.

The Romans never began with the idea of killing each other in colosseums. The began with sporting events like most sporting events. It was only when the power and idea of one man rejected the ideas of reasoned humanity and applied his opinion that it would be more exciting for men to re-enact warfare and death. We know how that ended. 

Has something gone wrong?

Yes and no.

It isn’t that something has gone wrong it’s more we are seeing the stage play of humanity playing away until the final conclusion of a current opinion-based idea. All opinions that become beliefs eventually degrade to the point they can even create a collapse of society. Once that conclusion has arrived a reboot of another kind of humanity takes place.

Also history teaches us when mankind stop believing in something greater they still want to believe in something greater. The something greater now takes different disappointing shapes. The masses want to beleive. The masses want salvation. The masses want to be guided. Once the gap of belief has been created it is always - without fail - filled by something.

Rome didn’t fall in a single day. It was the mass erosion of opinions and the letting go of what is good and bad. Rome never actually fell. It simply faded, weaked and. eroded through failed beliefs before it dispersed throughout the world and reshaped itself into something new.

So when someone offers an opinion asked yourself is it based on a fact? Are they determined you accept their opinion as fact? And has that opinion now become a form of religious belief? Or this is the truth and way, follow me. 

Make no mistake, these are dangerous times. At the same time, this will be a time for humans to reawaken and find themselves for the better once again.

When Your Opinions Become Fanatical Belief

Hold fast to your opinions or blend in. Voice your opinions or stay silent. Listen to the opinions of others and then and only then make your decision before you get swept away in unfounded and possibly very damaging new fixed and short-lived beliefs that could ultimately damage you.

These are changing times built on sand.

Alan Forrest Smith

Philosophy and Ramblings.


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