Zoomanity & Restraint
Zoomanity is the restraints surrounding your life. The restraints and chains are put on you by relationships; jobs, families, churches, faiths and even more things you feel are oppressing you. You know you are in the Zoomanic cage once your life becomes about existing rather than living. Youwill know if that is you by the very fact you are reading this book.
Yet I still feel despite the concept and idea of Zoomanity racing inand out of my mind over the past 8-years I am still not 100% sure what it is.All I know is Zoomanity is the opposite of what your life should be.
You will know. A little bit like that feeling you get when you knowsomething isn’t quite right. You know it; you feel it but for some reasons youignore it. Yet you still knew.
There is a huge difference between human and Zooman.
Zoomans are wrapped up tight into the system. They rarely thinkabout anything. They love to be instant. They thrive as part of the crowd. Theydespair over things like not having the latest gadgets. They think aboutnothing in any depth. They believe and accept everything they read and hear.They accept – they accept everything.
They are Zoomanic.
Like drones.
They are Zooman.
Like clones.
They think and feel the same about almost everything.
Humanity has left them or maybe even worse – never arrived.
Yet they can escape from Zoomanity. Maybe right now the time isn’tright. For some that time will not even arrive for some. They will die inregret of an unlived life.
Yet a better life can be found.
Better relationships. Better income. Better ideas and ways ofliving. Better ways of loving and hoping. Better ways of eating. A better wayof life. Escaping the old ways and finding the new ways are all part of thesecond life yet to create the second life we have to grieve the end of thefirst life.
Zoomanity wants you to question nothing. Zoomanity wants you toaccept everything. From birth until death you are fed mantras that becomeaccepted beliefs.
There are currently over 200 countries on Earth. A country isrecognized on the basis that:
They have a resident population
They have recognized boundaries
They have a government
They can create relations with other countries
Take the people of those countries and put them into one place. Thatgives us 7 billion human beings.
Yet the majorities don’t and never reach their humanity despite their humanness. Why? If you read volume 1 of Escape from Zoomanity you’ll recall Zoomanity grip over mankind.
Yet the grip I talked about was of course based on my life andobservations. Volume 2 has been written to reveal more of the workings of adeeper, more insidious, darker world that has most of the 7 billion residentsof planet earth in its grip.
Take 41 year old John. Larger than average waist, balding, jeans,t-shirt, dressed by his wife, watched by his mother, harassed by his boss.
John is a man, a human but very much a Zooman being. His life hasbeen nothing beyond average. Average birth, average education, averagemarriage, average job, average everything.
John holidays every year but aspire to more if he can get more work,more cash and more time. His dilemma is simple. To get more cash John needs more work. When he gets more work this gives John less time yet he needs moretime to get away on a package holiday into some sunshine.
For John it’s a good aspiration.
John also wants a car, a newer than new car. John would love a BMW but his job won’t pay him enough. He knows if he gets a promotion the car will come yet the promotion means more time to study and raise his level yet rightnow he just doesn’t have the time.
In the evening John is tired. Despite leaving very early john getshome late. His eyes can barely stay open on the drive home, and when he arrivesat his house he can hardly life his tired legs from the car to walk up thedriveway into his house.
His wife is home long before John. As John walks in his wife shoutsthere is a meal in the microwave waiting for him, all he has to do is hit theon button. John reaches over, hits the on button, removes his coat, and putsdown his briefcase. By the time he has done that the 6 minutes have passed anddinner is ready. He opens the door, removes the food in the black plastic trayand eats his food while his wife continues to watch her favorite soap opera onTV.
John sits alone, eats alone then finally finishes. He leaves thetray on the table, heads for the large, soft sofa where his wife is sat. As hesits down she already has a glass of wine waiting for him. John drinks, barelya word is exchanged as they sit in silence, eating, drinking munching their waythrough things until bedtime.
Bed, sleep and repeat the same thing over and over and over again.
Before John knows it, 60 years of age is here and he wonders how onEarth life sneaked him by!
Sound even slightly familiar?
This is an average life of an average man.
Over 40 hours a week working.
Over 30 hours a week watching TV.
Over 56 hours a week sleeping.
Over 14 hours a week in travel.
Over 10 hours a week eating.
And the other 18 hours are filled in with being tired, being worriedand the labors of life!
Of course not everyone is like that but it gives an example of thedehumanization of mankind.
He is controlled at a level he may probably never be aware of. Whyshould he be aware, he is housed, he is paid, he is fed, he is loved, yet Johnis a classic example of a Zooman or a man living the life of the human that hasbeen mind-manipulated into something far from humanity.
Johns only hope is escape, his own escape from Zoomanity.
Zoomanity has built itself on the control of humanity. Zoomanity hascreated a question nothing system. Zoomanity has made almost everythingacceptable, even John’s lifestyle.
Yet all around we see people unhappy, we see people wanting more, wesee nations fighting governments, we hear of people that fail religion, feedreligion and are scared of speaking about religion. Marriage is in dissolution.Families are falling apart. Consumption like an insatiable diet continues todevour not just mankind but Earth itself. Money and banking has become a realissue for mankind. The Zookeepers laugh as they legally steal the savings ofZoomanity, ones feeds another down a chain of corruption, all in fear ofunsettling or unseating each other.
The Zookeepers will always have priority. The Zooman is subservient.The Zoo is a mess.
Yet a long, long time ago humans were never really like that. A manwould think for himself, decide for himself, choose for himself, walk and talkfor himself. Today what we see is a pathetic replacement for real humanity,replaced, veneered and re-mastered by something more insidious, deeper andsubtle – ZOOMANITY!
I will try and show you more about that as you read Volume 2 ofEscape from Zoomanity.
I think you’ll agree, I think you’ll know and understand, there hasnever been a great time for mankind to make changes. The changes won’t be whatyou are expecting, they won’t be what you think they are, they wont be what theprophets of end days and future thinking preach.
I hope some of my writings, ramblings and words share a little more,open and reveal a little more for you.
Enjoy, your escape is about to begin.