The Law of Attraction - Are You Causing The Effect?

The Law of Attraction

There is a way of saying certain things that are deemed unchangeable.

Here is one.

‘Cause and effect.’

‘In other words what we do - CAUSED -  we have created the effect - the result or outcome.

In certain cases, this is a simple truth.

Yet, there is another way.

Causing the effect.

For the past two months, I have been doing all kinds of experiments relating to health and mind.

Some had no effect.

Some have had a powerful - extremely powerful effect and results.

One study took me back a long way.

The Law Of Attraction

When I was younger I became obsessed with owning a large house. That house I could see in my mind. It was an old barn on a far, I would convert it into a stunning family home.

Could I afford it when I thought about it? No.

Did I know how I was going to make that happen? No.

This began around 1990. The idea was now stuck in my head. I first got the idea from a self-build magazine and it just stuck.

A day never went past when I wasn’t thinking about living in this house that hadn’t arrived. I thought about it, dreamt about it and could see a manifestation of it done. I could see my kids living there and all the good things. Although details, to be frank, were off and something short. I just knew the house was coming.

I never once thought about location or cost. I just thought about the house.

7 years later that exact house arrived. I couldn’t afford it, but went for it anyway. Once I went for it I could then afford it.

Did I cause the effect?

I used to speak about this a lot over 20 years ago. These days I don’t talk about it too much due to the woo-woo crowd distorting and bastardising the idea.

That thing is the very real law of attraction.

This is of course based on the now-proven idea that everything is energy.

Energy can also be created by a thought. That thought can create an energy that pulls or attracts what you feel you need towards you. It is very real. I have seen this in action many many times in my life.

Once the thought is created the only real way that thought will manifest its reality is with the super support of your emotional charge. In other words, you must see yourself at the end goal or intention.

I had to see myself in the big house and be happy with my choice.

If I am not creating a happy feel good feeling with my thoughts the desire will never manifest itself.

The initial thought of desire is like a seed. It is planted and simply left to germinate at its OWN pace - not mine.

But -

That seed will develop according to the way I energetically vibrate. My energy has a powerful emotional vibration. That vibration can deliver a negative as well as a positive response.

So we measure our vibration on our feelings or emotional state. The better we feel the stronger we vibrate.

Only then when we find the balance for ourselves can we expect the attraction outcome we need.

For the past four weeks, I have been practising this and more intensely. My results have been nothing short of superhuman. I’ll share more soon.

Just know this.

You Create What You Need

It is you who creates what you need. No one can create this for you. Once you understand the process of attracting, vibrating and energy your life can change forever.

By the way

Is this about God?

Is this about a Mystical universe?

Is this about a guru?


This is about you unleashing what is already within you. You have everything you need right now it just needs to be released.

In other words, you have to be causing your own effect.

Alan Forrest Smith


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