Upgrade Your Mind
The Body and The Mind Are One.
People say mind and body are two separate entities.
I have never believed that.
The mind creates everything the body has and the body delivers everything the mind wants. The thought creates a reality.
The mind might be telling you that you want this or that yet the mind cannot get it for you alone. That takes action from the body.
Like this.
Is my car done?
Do I need to change it?
I will look for another car.
Look mum I bought a new car.
Thought To Manifestation
It starts with a thought and ends in an action or manifestation of the car.
Let's take this one step further.
Someone wants to make a change in their life.
That person can spend time after time trying to make those changes by taking action only or - using the body. Yet nothing happens.
The Mind
So let's go back to your mind.
The process of thought is also a process of tangible manifestation.
What we think about - and really overthink about - is what we become or what we create or what we manifest before us.
And it’s interesting, if we strip back the most fundamental of things in our body - the DNA - THE CELL - when we get to the centre there is, of course, NOTHING there. Under a microscope at the centre of a cell there appears to be nothing.
Yet there the DNA and cells are of course very real.
That takes us back to a question.
Seeing Used To Be Believing
Do we have to see everything to know it is or isn't there?
We cannot see the wind yet we know it is there. There are plenty of things there that we cannot see. I know I have felt the very real presence of something powerful, energetic in a room yet I haven’t been able to see it. Yet I know it is there.
Some things in life are simply mysterious and we haven’t been able to find the real answer to them yet. And that’s ok if you are the type of mind that allows questions. (some don’t)
And that inability to question can create a blockage for the majority because the majority are living with a subconscious belief that actions speak louder than words or the more we do the more we get.
It All Starts In Your Mind
Yet what is more powerful is this, the idea of change and then action starts in the mind - your mind.
Recently I wanted answers. In the past three weeks, we have bought around 20 books on this subject I wanted answers to. Now, I almost feel like an expert. Yesterday I went to visit an expert - a real expert. When I asked him direct I quickly discovered he couldn’t answer any of my questions. I found that frustrating, yet I understand he is working from within his own subconscious set of beliefs based on actions (and training).
Upgrade Your Mind
If you want change or action in your life you must upgrade your mind first. Even if this means reading 20 books on the same subject over 3 weeks. The effect will be profound I promise you. Don't over worry about the actions you will know what to do when you're ready to do them.
I now have a list of at least a dozen or more things I have been meditating and thinking over after my upgrade. I you’d have done that without the mind upgrade.
The other side of the mind upgrade is this - it's exciting and exhilarating to discover new things. It brings the mind to life, it removes mental boredom (which can lead to Alzheimer's).
Even better, I know the results I am looking for in this change will fulfil themselves as long as I use and practice with my new upgraded mind.
Hit reply and tell me what you will be doing to upgrade your mind.
Peace, health and happiness.
Aklan Forrest Smith