Brainwash Brain

Brainwash Brain

WARNING: some of you reading this might be offended. It could challenge your beliefs. You have been warned.In the year 1997 I met a friend I hadn’t seen since we were around 21 years old. At 21 John was a total madman! He had been taking heroin, smoking joints, glue and just about anything else he could get his hands on for a high than high fix. To fund his addiction he had to steal. He would steal from anyone, anything at anytime.Yet to look in the eyes of John… he had the innocence of an Angel. The last time we met was at a rock gig. John looked a total mess and frankly, close to death.As time passed I had a call from a pal of mine named Kenny. Kenny told me John had died from drugs. I was horrified to be honest, totally in shock yet it was what I expected to happen at some point. I thought that was the end of John. It wasn’t. One day some years later I was in my kitchen making dinner when the phone rang. It was John. As you can imagine, I was totally freaked out. I told him about his death, he laughed and said he had heard that he had died.Funny I know! We decided after a 30 minute conversation to meet up soon. Just 5 days later John faced me across a table as we drank Tea together. Imagine this please right now. The last time this guy looked like death was waiting for him. Filthy, criminal mindset, addicted to drugs. He was living in a public toilet at nights.Facing me was a well dressed guy, totally cleaned up, working in the music business and settled with a family. I was shocked but felt so happy for him. I told him direct how I felt. John laughed and told me this little story. He told me how he met some people that helped him, guided him, put him on a path to recovery and eventually assisted him into a brand new life. I was thrilled for John, he looked amazing!He then went on to tell me how his family, friends, relatives and anyone else that knew him had all been saying inside their circle how John had been brainwashed by some kind of Cult because he was so different to his old self. BRAINWASHED… They said he had been brainwashed. In turn … The rejected him.Now I think I know what you are thinking, maybe the same as what I was thinking the day we met. How on Gods earth could they say he had been insidiously brainwashed by a Cult? Actually, let's think about this very carefully. Have you heard the saying …”you are what you eat?” We eat crap… let's be honest by the age of 30, we look like a bag of crap! But what do we feed our brain? TV garbage? Gossip magazine garbage? Gossip garbage? Let me tell you a little thing that happened to me last night. I went to my mothers. She asked me had I heard the big news. My dad repeated the same thing… “had I heard?” I thought something globally changing had taken place. And being someone that rarely watches TV I had no idea what was on the news. It was this. Russell Brand had resigned from his position. This guy isn’t running the country, this guy is famous in the UK for talking verbal diarrhea at a fast pace. I admit when I watched him in a movie on the plane he had funny moments but honestly the guy talk’s pointless vulgarity endlessly! Is that the kind of thing we feed our brains with?Vulgarity has become the new morality! Anyway, …we are what we eat and that includes what we feed our brain. John had become a body full of filth and garbage.Was he BRAINWASHED or CLEANSED? Look at this from: Roget’s II: The New Thesaurus: Thesaurus results for: brainwash Main Entry: indoctrinate Part of Speech: verb Definition: To teach to accept a system of thought uncritically. Synonyms: propagandize I don’t know about you but doesn’t that sound like the way we grow people? From day one we “indoctrinate” everything we feel about what’s right and wrong. When the time comes the system continues to feed our brains the same indoctrinations. We are told not to criticize and follow the pack. We are born. We grow. We work. We retire. We die. Does that sound good or bad? If we do what everyone else does … we get the same results everyone else gets. Am I right?So John… Thank God he went and had his brainwashed. It was filthy, it needed a good clean. It made him a better person with a life and a meaning to his life. Does that mean he went to a Cult? No way, he simply used the right brain food from some good teachers that finally gave him a brighter path from a crappy life that would have ended in certain death. Yet… Those around him felt he had been brainwashed in an insidious way. Actually what was taking place was John’s NEW-SELF challenged their own firmly held beliefs that change was a force for the bad. Also, this change made John into what they considered someone else. So their comments actually reflect them and their long-held beliefs. Johns change confronted what they held dear. Would you rather have old John or new John? I know the answer is obvious… NEW John.Thought: If you carry on doing the same old things in life or business you’ll get the same results? If you walk the same path, live the same life, do the same things day in, day out and continue to feed your brain the same old, same old… your result will always be the same. Is that what you want? My advice; go get a BRAINWASH!Regards,Alan Forrest Smith************************************http://www.OrangeBeetle.com ************************************


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