Divine Delusion Deception?
Have you noticed... God for cash, God for love, God for living, real God, no God, I'm God, Your God and... this is just an observation but... I met this lady. She was wonderful. We went for a long walk in a long open space and she spoke to me in a gentle kind manner about how her life has been revealed, opened and guided. She used to believe in God. Now she believes in herself as a god. She used to rely on God. Now she relies on herself as a godlike being. She used to pray to God. Now she chants endless repetitions about how she has arrived to save the World. Now this is JUST AN OBSERVATION... but is there more and more of these people coming out of the woodwork? She had given up everything. Her car, her home, her husband, her regular life. She was now flat broke and had no plans. I asked her why? She replied because the Universe has plans for her, big, huge plans. The Universe will bring them to her at the right time. All she has to do is wait for the universe. I said... is that realistic? She said... I have no expectations, no thoughts, the universe works alone and deliver when ready. I must admit my brain was working overtime at this point. Here was a beautiful young woman that had given away everything, walked away from everything. She must have needs. I asked her... what about your needs... she said I no longer need anything. I said anything, she replied yes anything. Now I don't know about you. I need Tea. I need gadgets. I need my guitar. I need my lover. I need carrot cake. I need to be close to Scotland. I need my kids. Why? I just do, maybe I need therapy also... ;-) But I do know I really have needs. I have needs and wouldn't give them up for anything, anyone, anytime soon. I asked her what all the changes? She told me about this big seminar she had been to. Her eyes had been opened. She was almost convulsing on the floor at the thought of her new enlightened state during this event. Like Saul on the donkey... her eyes had been opened, the scales had fallen off, she could now see where she was once blind. She got the manual. She went on the course and the next course and the next course and was shown how to find herself amongst the mass of mankind. She discovered that she had a purpose and the purpose was to save mankind... SOMEHOW? She discovered that nothing else mattered only her own self fulfillment She discovered that God was now just part of the Universe and now the universe should be asked for all things. She discovered a lot. But you know what I observed? A woman completely lost, lonely at home with an animal or two, living a mythical life where nothing leads to nowhere. A woman that had become an evangelist for the new age faiths being spread from stages all over the planet. She like countless others is broke, lonely, sad and has nothing in life apart from a shelf full of manuals, self- help DVDs and a stack of credit cards bills she's unable to pay this month or any month in fact. What the hell is going on? I have just come back from the wonderful Dam walk. This is a lake that goes around a dam near where I live. I enjoyed every moment being in the 3rd dimension. When I say 3rd dimension, this is real now, this is where my senses are engaged, my sight, my hearing, the nerves endings on my skin are all engaged. I can taste, smell everything. Small bird moves in the corner of my eye, my body is quick enough to see, hear, sense it and move around fast enough to be able to take a photo, this is the 3rd dimension. Yet there is an invisible dimension, some call the 4th or even the 5th. There are also an awakened people coming to new life and seeing this new dimension. These are maybe like you, like me, like others that want more from life. Yet sadly in business there are also those that are becoming aware of this 4th dimension and willing to use, abuse and manipulate if for hard cash. Look can I give you my take on this? If your life sucks, if it's crap, if you are not happy, if it is killing you, draining you, exhausting you... CHANGE IT. But when you are in that place you are hungry and eager for change. Yet you are weakened by what is taking place, physically and mentally exhausted by the drudgery of your life. So when something drops in front of your eyes that is exciting, new, fresh, invigorating and at the same time you are swept along by the energy of the mass of people... you are like a hungry fish snapping at the bait and BANG... you are in. Are you brain-washed? Not at all. Brainwashing is when you remove all the crap from your brain and start to add new thinking, new thoughts that make you happier long term. This is more like brain toxin being injected into the brain. Think about it. You arrive feeling crap. You leave feeling amazing. You pay for everything on offer. Your life two years down the line if solitary, lonely and devoid of any reality. Why? You were told by another human being that this is the way... follow it. I have seen this in action. I once saw a girl sign up for a ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUND mentor course. The course and the mentor promised to show those that bought into it THE WAY, their life purpose, their key to success, their divine path. HONESTLY! But think about it ... is that the way the Universe or even God work? And what is taking place here is there are those that are now using 4th dimension (spiritual paths) to make heaps and heaps of cash in the process! THEY WILL fall flat on their faces. Truth always overcomes as we are seeing in the case of James Arthur Ray right now. This 4th dimension twist is leaving many, many, many totally broke yet they (and the girl above) still held tight their chosen messianic saviors mentors despite the fact they break them completely! Interesting times, interesting thoughts, interesting observations. This really is a God delusion at a very deep level. It's growing and growing fast. What I do find interesting is that at the same time the illusionists that pump out this brain filth and destroy lives in the process will also vanish like the morning mists. They might make their cash promising millions a new way, a new life, a new direction yet at the same to they create a false reliance on 'NOTHING'. Are you enjoying life in the 3rd dimension? Are you interested in life in the 4th dimension? Be careful but be true to yourself always. Do you have an opinion on DivineDelusionDeception?? Let me know, just post a comment below.