Killing Like Cain
Cain was jealous of his brother Abel. Cain killed him, battered him senseless until the life God had given them, had left him forever. I sometimes wonder how Adam and Eve felt about that? Their sons, literally minutes in time after creation itself, and man begins the route of death and killing one another. The scene was now set for death by unnatural cause to become part of humanity. As time moved forward, death by one man, death by an army, death by a nation became feared yet accepted. The solution to those deaths was usually to retaliate with more death, thus relentless ride of death gripped, held and still holds mankind in its grip. I was just thinking, can you imagine being in the thick of a battlefield with swords? Arms, legs, heads would fly past through the endless spray of blood and if you survived you’d become blood thirsty for more or sickened to the core with the sight of another man losing his life before your very eyes or even your own swords. And it all so simple today! The slightest threat, the lightest word said in anger, the waving of a fist of even coded talk deciphered to say something it never actually said (W.M.D.) and the buttons are pressed, boom, bang another wave of destruction more wives, more parents, more children, more young lives ended in a hail of bullets. Zoomanity loves that, the old ways of a very modern Alexander the greater than any other nation where the fat bloated generals, the warped mind of a weapons scientist and the public school boy politicians sit around a table, investing billion upon billions into better, faster, easier ways to evaporate more people. Even on today’s news the announcement of a new weapon that travels 3 times the speed of sound (so you never hear death coming), with its slick name of Sea Ceptor. It’ll cover well over 500 sq. miles until it lands almost to the dot its destination. If it misses and lands on a school – that’s just collateral damage, and they’ll apologise! Great graphics, great reviews, great way to kill more! Yet in a strange contradiction, these are the same powerful people millions vote into governments to save, solve and direct the peoples! Lets think about this madness (and it is MADNESS). If a man on the street set up a campaign preaching death on mass would he be seen as insane, deranged and worthy of death himself? I don’t think that needs to be answered, yet if a government, people in charge of running this world announces something similar, its acceptable and even justified. Why? The real issue is one of repeatism, one of conditioning and one of same old solution to age-old problems. After all people have been killing since the days of Cain so why change things now? We have short minds, short memories and a short sense of history. This is a classic case of Zoomanity in action. Ask no questions, repeat the same old patterns. Are those repeaters destined to bring peace to this world? Are those repeaters the ones that can deliver solutions? Look at what is taking place in the Euro right now. Jesus rightly said, “A house divided against itself, cannot stand”. I agree and time and time again we see the endless repeat and fight approach to chaos and destruction by Zoomanity. Don’t believe you are ok and it really doesn't affect you, it does. We are the subjects, they are the masters, if we carry on thinking and repeating he way the do we shall follow the same path into death like they do. The real question is can they (Zoomanity) bring peace whilst creating more weapons of mass destruction? We sit and watch passively daily almost numbingly as more and more death piles higher and higher on our TV screens. We hear the world's leading countries threatening to destroy other countries for developing nuclear capabilities whilst at the same time creating more nuclear capabilities themselves. The other countries are propagandised as, primitive, simple, crude and backward. Its even acceptable for the public to agree. Why is that OK? Is it OK? These are the guys we vote in to run our nations, run the daily lives of men and even expect them to bring peace or have we simply given up on the idea of peace? Problem being; history for each man is short, seventy years of so. Yet history goes back hundreds, thousands of years. Babylon was a word power, now dust. Greece ruled the world with a blanket of death, now a small holiday resort. Egypt was feared by the world, now sand and rubble. Rome ruled almost every island and every land, now a small city in a small country to be visited by the annual history-seeking tourist. The USSR fell almost overnight despite its bear like stance against the west. Who is next? Over the top, scare words of a thinker? We are preached to question nothing. We are asked to stay quiet and accept. We are silently being guided constantly by the mass media of Zoomanity, yet the veneer of Zoomanity can and will fall at some point. When? I have no idea but there are some things certain as the rising of the sun. The World understands and copes with change; change always comes without fail, even to the leaders, to the rulers, to the stubborn destroyers of Zoomanity. How often do you ask questions yourself or do you simply accept and get on with your life? After all, that’s what Zoomanity needs and requires, silent sheep, the Zooman, the passive ones. I hope this gets you thinking at some level. Please comment. *********************************** Acclaimed, Escape From Zoomanity The Book by Alan Forrest Smith OUT NOW ***********************************