Past Present Now
According to the BBC today, in the year 2030 food prices will double, so what are you going to do about it? Also on the BBC today they are marking the anniversary of the doomed Titanic. Interesting don't you think? Interesting in this way. I know a man named Derek who talks about how things used to be, how things were and how it was all great, nice and wonderful in the past. He tells me with a lack of positivity and belief that things will be fine sometime, someday. It's a very zoomanic process, dream of days gone, hope for days ahead with nothing but being distracted right now. Distracted by the web, by facebook, by email, by TV, by jobs, by radio, by anything apart from knowing and being there right now. Of course this is the way of today, right now, Zoomanity. Focus is always somewhere else apart from here right now. The problem with looking back is it gives a feeling of what was or even loss. The problem with focusing on the future only it gives a feeling of what can be not what is right now. This is the way of Zoomanity, the gift given to us by the repeatists. I'm just back from a café where two women were sat near by. They talked and talked and talked about how things used to be. Then in period between both sat in silence almost in reflection their own losses. Yet there they were, two beautiful women with everything to live for right then in that moment with their minds focused on the past. Can you see how Zoomanity does that? The BBC today I mentioned at the start of this little observation. They want us to take our mind into the past and almost mourn the passing of this huge ship the Titanic and also they ask us to look ahead to 2030 with a fearful mind based around the fact food will double. Fear based thinking which can only produce a lower vibration of human. That's exactly what Zoomanity requires, wants and has for us. So the question really is where are you right now? I mean in your mind and heart. Are you where you used to be and want to go back to in the past? Are you seeing yourself in a distant place in the future that can only bring you into the mindset of lack because you want, want, want? That's the way of Zoomanity. What will you do about that? Can you be aware and more alert to the nature of what gets fed into our minds, into your mind? Are you happy in the past?
Are you happy in the present?
Are you happy right now?
Just a thought, just an observation. If you have a comment I'd love to hear it? Escape from Zoomanity ... A book that changes everything!