Public Sector Strikes Zoomanity
Public Sector Strikes in Zoomanity England in chaos again as public sector workers go on strike. It's all about pension changes. The result of the changes means for most, work longer, more contributions for less of a pension. As I walk past the large gathering outside the public sector offices I can hear a woman screaming how her life has been ruined. She looks around 45. I can read a sign that also says, 'lives left in tatters', there are of course many more. On the news a woman cried as she talked about how her years of dedication had been rewarded with another six years of hard work added on to her working life, she cried, she was bitter and angry. This action is taking place all over the country. Of course what I am offering here is an observation, not an opinion. So a man is born, the man is told to work hard all of his life and ask no questions. He is educated in the ways of the educationalists that teach the man things of interest but of no real life use beyond his schooling. The job arrives. Man sleeps, man wakes, man holidays then before man knows it ... he retires and is put into the field like an aging horse standing staring death in the face. The man, mankind or zoomanity had taken control of man, man has surrendered his own control. He has given his life into the hands of others, others that are repeatists and just play the rules. The rules of course are written and created by zoomanity. "KEEP IN LINE, ASK NO QUESTIONS, WE'LL LIVE YOUR LIFE FOR YOU". Zooman kind agrees without an agreement, it's just that way now. But when it goes wrong, like a child they jump, scream, go to their own local tribe and make their voice known. This is a game played by zoomanity. Give the man some feeling of control, let him think he is getting his won way but ultimately keep control. Now no one is saying anything about public sector workers of course because most have never questioned anything in their lives, they simply follow the rules, play the game and stay in line. Clearly this highlights the dangers of zoomanity. Surely this highlights the nature and repeatist patterns of zoomanity?
We don't inspire, we teach
We don't excite, we inform
We don't teach adventure, we live and di
We don't teach experience, we teach existence
Reliance on the mob mindset, they do it, we do it, they teach it, we do it, it's all part of a ravaged, manipulative system that takes away the man from mankind, place him in the zoo and carefully binds hin into zoomanity. Years ago each man was given the chance to think and create. Thankfully the world is still full of unique creative that are living life according to the rules of humanity not zoomanity. These are the real enlightened ones that can be there now, not talk about how their life has come to an end due to a pension shift, these are the ones that have made the shift the realization, the moment of transference into something more natural. They have left zoomanity and returned to humanity. I still sit here, watching and observing the mass of zoomanity on a local basis as they all play the power game living each others life for each other. Changes are needed but unless a man changes himself he can never change a thing. Its time to escape, escape from zoomanity.