Revolution Occupy Revolution Nothing
Revolution Occupy, Revolution Nothing
It feels like every time I watch the news these days we are in a world an absolute confusion, turmoil and torment.
One country overthrows it's leaders only to replace them with another set of leaders they revolt against, protest against and kill against.
The so named Arab spring becomes a river of blood, children, mothers, fathers and the gray headed ones cry in pain and die in dishonor as their blood trickles between the stones on the streets of another revolting country.
The leaders of the leaders of the World, sit back almost applauding the sight of anarchy, even being seen in public praising the revolters telling them this is a great day for freedom and the free world as the former despot is paraded, televised, humiliated then in an instant his life is snuffed out as the world cheers, applauds and rejoices at the shocking images.
Justification based around "they deserved it"! The old proverb that a man will reap what he sows rarely fails yet the rejoicing of the slaughter the images of the deaths and the laughter of the killers leaves a deep imprint on the consciousness of mankind.
How many more deaths?
How many more revolutions?
How many more fallen angels in fallen nations must cry at the slaughter of more innocents?
And of course, it just goes on and on. The revolters carry on revolting, becoming new revolutionaries for an old cause, a cause that cannot be sustained.
The revolution will only be replaced by a revolution. Death can only ignite death. War can only more ignite war. The noise of the crowd will only be replaced by the noise of the crowd.
Yet there are peacemakers out there, there are those that are living and experiencing a life of silence, a life settled and enjoyed by them and their generations.
These are the ones that are settled with themselves, live for their moments. They avoid the wars of mankind, they avoid the revolution of the revolters, they strike a peaceful pose with no movement. They can only attract peace and will always repel war.
The revolution of the occupy crowd means nothing to them, they ignore the crowds, the packs, the masses and do their own thing. They create, they make, they are the real digester's of real life, real living.
These are the ones that walk a crooked line,. They understand nothing is straight forward, they understand that water cannot be held back, they understand the bigger picture.
They know that the destruction of a leader or government will eventually be replaced by the same. It's clear to them the a riot on any street can only give the notion of another riot at any time soon.
Yet the bigger picture is the mass of mankind is stirring, is troubled and unsettled.
There are now those that say we should hang on until December 2012 when the World will end. This only serves the selfish and needy, those desiring for another a newer, a crowd for a new world. There are those that preach a new paradigm that insist on new rules, new ways yet they never really get to grip with the new paradigm of inner, deeper, sustainable change. There are groups that insist that women are the answer yet these women display the traits of despotic men in their thirst for power, while the despotic men carry on sleeping with each other for gain of more.
These only serve to breed new leaders of the same old things dressed in new clothes.
Change starts inside. Revolution can only start in the heart of a man. Occupation must begin with the occupation of ones own mind. Freedom can only begin with the freedom of the heart.
Zoomankind is clever, run by spirits of darkness and hearts of greed. Things will change , they must. The cycle of change never fails, it always arrives yet the change for a twisted corrupted Zoomanity can never come fast enough despite change is rarely more than a decade in age.
Trying times, ageless days, restricted thinking of old men in young bodies. They politician and the revolter are one and the same only to take a revolter, clean him up and re-name him the politician for the revolution.
Yes it's time for changes. The financial situation of the World is run by an insatiable desire to scratch the back of another and devise ways of sleeping with enemies for profits. As the waistlines grow around another banquet table, the death of a child takes place in poverty.
Change will come. You cannot hold back a river. You cannot stop a tide. You cannot halt an ocean.
How, when, why? The seeds are surely being sown. The seeds are taking root, the changelings will grow, are growing and will appear.
Revolution nothing is here, it arrived an age ago, its been growing under the glass and waiting to rise in full. It's not a revolution of a street but a revolution of the man himself.
Revolution nothing is a repeat, a replay that will only result in the same old news. Yet change must come.
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