Arab Armageddon or End of The World
The old man is sitting, cowering, hiding, lying low on the street. His head barely concealed behind the fallen wall. Bullets fly over his head time and time again. Thud, crunch, smash each time another and other bullet hits the wall in front of him. It leaves the old man with a feeling that at any point soon the bullets will break down what remains of the wall finally ending his life. He looks out only to see not one, not two but at least a dozen bodies close by. One is, was his wife. Another is the slain body of a small boy. What a mess, what another bloody violent mess. Just another day in Libya March 2011 Arab Armageddon or is this the end of the World as we know it? The reality is there's not a lot new in this yet there is a lot new in this at the same time. Change has always been a feature of mankind. Civilizations have fallen and big ones at that. Mighty Babylon where is it now? Powerful all conquering Assyria what happened? All conquering Rome, has all but vanished! Alexanders Greece Pharaoh's Egypt Or to bring it right up to modern times ... The great Russian Bear... not so mighty anymore. Things change they always do. Yet right now the World feels different. A new fresher, different approach to change and transformation brought along, pushed along, speeded up by the world of fast travel media. Those without can now sit in awe watching those with on YouTube. They see, they thirst and they want. The reality is no one really wants war, death or blood on the street but for some the only way to change is through violent revolt. Yet after the revolt what has changed? The pattern of repeated behavior continues. New government arrives after violent uprising. The people have their change. Time moves forward, the people become unhappy and again the pattern is repeated. Can change be possible? Yes of course and this time change has to come from within. When I say within, there are light bearers around us that live in peace. When I say light bearers I'm not talking about marketers that are now using the words of truth, light, purpose and more for the sake of money, no! I'm talking about those that have already challenged this world and won. They have created their own peace, life and stability within a violent world. And when the world of man gets fed up with repeating, repeating and repeating they will turn to new ways, ways of the peaceful, the gatherers of new thinking in old ways. It might feel like Arab Armageddon right now yet this is another moment of change that could be the agent of change that ushers in a new era. I wouldn't presume to play prophet or elevate myself to say I know, I don't. Guns don't work. Violence don't work. Revolt don't work. The old man behind the wall. He's 72 now. It's not the first time he's been shot at and had bullets flying over his head. It is the first time he has seen his wife dead amongst a dozen or so bodies, he's broken, he wants to die. Next time we look for leaders when we choose leaders of the revolution it can only results in more revolution. History has proved that. Now is a time for man to look at himself. Cleanse himself. Refresh himself. Look to deeper sources, source within that will create, generate and feed mankind with the leadership it truly requires. Arab Armageddon or the end of the world. I'm not sure, all I know is my heart bleeds every time I see another death on a dusty street from so-named freedom fighters only to find the freedom becomes a new version of the old prison. The end of Zoomanity and the return, resolve and restitution of humanity is coming. Do you have an opinion on this you can share? I'd love to hear what you think. Make sure you leave your web address so I can share traffic with you from this site.