Dead Rich

The Happy Man Died Today I read about a happy man that died. I knew the man and met the man but didn’t really know the man that was shown to all men. Alone when found, young at 41 years of age, found face down and breathless in death. Just him, his computers, his cash, his alcohol in a loveless hotel room that many others have passed through. I met this man in London once. He was speaking to a group of people about happiness and amassing wealth. He told and showed them how money and wealth had created the happy man he was today. He had cars, houses, traveled and as many women as he wanted. His mantra was all about getting rich or die trying. Money is happiness and happiness is money. Yet there he is today, alone and dead, lying on a hotel floor with no one to hold him during his final breath. I do wonder in a wondering way his final thoughts and fear yet the hotel staff has spoken about his drunkenness as he went to his room and the volume of bottles that were empty in his room. Could he think, did he think, was his final moment so inebriated that no thought or feeling could any longer take place? This isn’t a call to judge after all how can a man such as myself judge another man. Yet it raised the question again in my mind about wealth and happiness. Are they really related? A man with no money needs money to feed himself. A man with some money wants more money to buy more. The man that has more has to invest more into looking after the more. The man that is rich is paranoid about his wealth, his fear of losing his wealth and his daily maintenance of that wealth. Riches open all kinds of doors; I’ve seen it and experienced this. Zoomanity treats a person of wealth as a person almost of another race yet the reality is they are just people like you or I. Does a car of high value create a better human? Does a home that is larger than the home of another create a stronger human? Does money really make better people? Does wealth really produce happiness? Wealth creates a thirst an unquenchable desire for more yet the more has to be paid for. Today we appear to be creating a new sub-race of uneducated that are now dominating the main zoomanic feeds into the minds of the young and impressionable. Wealth appears to be king and if you can gain wealth you can and will become king. Yet here is a man that died alone, all alone in a lonely hotel with a lonely drink and maybe or just probably a lonely mind. Did he have the millions of dollars he boasted about? If he did was it his true source of happiness? I have no idea but what I know is what I see despite the truth that what I see may not be what I know. This man was part of a group of men, feeders, speakers that chant the path of happiness and life is through wealth yet did wealth give this man a longer and happier life? Zoomanity chants the dream of wealth and wealth as a path to greatness yet many a corruption arises through the amassing of wealth. This is a dream of Zoomanity that wealth is happiness. I have met many a man that is miserable despite his wealth. There has been many a wealthy that has died a miserable death. Yet it is worth saying there is also good in wealth yet the distortion of wealth and happiness being at one is a mythical trance that is rarely fulfilled. A dream of wealth is a dream of the things relating to wealth. The dream of wealth might be a dream of more cars, more travel, more clothes more gold and more of everything. Yet can something that is new stay new for long? New is old one day after the newness has passed. The newness once gone creates a thirst and that thirst asks for more. Yet that more can rarely if ever be reached. Can a car truly give a man the happiness that is happiness so deep that nothing can shift it? The source of happiness is a peace within self. Happiness can only come from the knowing of the person you are not the person you always want to become. Happiness cannot come from the person you are to be because you haven’t been that person yet so you do not understand the reaction of the new way of life will have on you as a person. Money does crazy things to the un-crazy Money plants madness into the sane Money takes away peace while replacing with chaos Yet I’ve lived with no money and I’ve lived with money and I know which I prefer in this miserable money driven world. But is it a truth that money can never deliver happiness? A man that builds his life of happiness around money if he loses his money he loses his happiness does he not? Zoomanity drives a beat of get rich, make more and take more. It runs deep even into the higher commands over the Zooman. The thirst and desire and longing for endless amounts of wealth can be the destruction of the most beautiful of all things, man himself. Can a man on his deathbed take his cash with him into another world? Will the wealth give him more than a life of another life? Does money buy a better way to die? The lonely death is nothing new. The death of the rich alone and soaked in drink is nothing new. The distortion of a mind by the zoomanic trance is nothing new. Another young death and another dream removed. It’s all so predictable like the 27-year-old rock-star death. It’s a history that the seekers of wealth never learn from, too much wealth, too much nothing, too much to live for with a spice of the immortal myth mixed in. I’m sad for the man I once met in the room in the hotel that died alone with no lover at his side yet maybe there is a lesson there for us at the same time?  


Wealth and Happiness


Life Part One