Law of Decision

Law of Decision How do you stop doing something you've done all of your life? How do you change direction when everything you have ever been taught, shown and guided now no longer feels right? How do you make changes so huge that all of that college education is dropped, appears to be irrelevant and not what you were promised? Your life appears to be not what you want, your job, almost everything about who you are no longer appears to be relevant anymore... now you are about to take a decision. The decision is ignited by the shift, your shift. The shift has taken you to a new place in your mind and now you are faced with a decision. The decision will take you one of two ways. To the left or to the right, no straight ahead this time. I want you to imagine, going to the left takes you on the same old route, day in, day out, until your final day. This is the route you have began to awaken from, the route that has seen you becoming unsettled, the same route that has seen you awaken to the spiritual laws of humanity so far. It’s safe, it’s easy, it’s a familiar path that includes no change. Taking this path will see you ignoring the inner shift that has taken place over the past few weeks, months, years of your life. Going to the right is where the laws of humanity have been directing you, leading you, showing you the way forward in life and in change. Let me share a true story from my own life. For over 20 years I lived my life as a fundamentalist Christian teacher, preacher and minister. This life included a routine of five meetings a week, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday and preaching on Saturday or any other day I could fit it in. Outside of the meetings there was religious studies that could take hour upon hour, upon hour. I lived my life harshly and unfairly judging others. I also lived a life in judgment from my brothers within my congregation. Ultimately I lived a life in fear of being judged by God. It was a life of fear based on a future hope that if I behaved well, I would eventually get a bigger reward. There’s more about this in Escape from Zoomanity, Vol 1 but for now. I got to a point where the Laws we have spoken ubout were so strong that I had to eventually take action. Can you imagine the fears I had after such a long time? Fear from family, fear from  my congregation, fear from the judging of my brothers, fear from God himself? It was painful yet the decision felt as if it had almost been taking for me. The Law of decision was in full flow and my decision had to be carried through. I could have carried on in the state of unhappiness. I didn’t, I moved forward and walked away from that faith as it no longer served my humanity. I went through all of the emotions that are set up in the Spiritual laws of humanity, the same laws that lead to your escape from Zoomanity, your life of success. I also went through the stage where a decision had to be made. My decisions were all driven by fear, fear of 'what if' and deep embedded fears that I never really understood, never really questioned, I simply knew they were fears that kept rising time and time again. I finally made a life-changing decision. My dreams, aspirations, visions, thoughts, my life, my very being, I took the decision to carry on as per usual and surrender those long time embedded, conditioned routines or was I to make changes and move ahead into a new direction? I took action, I made changes, despite fierce opposition, mockery from my own family, abandonment from friends and rejection from my congregation. How about you? Do you have fears, controls that are stopping you move forward into a new life. Into new directions into new ways of doing and creating things? Can you feel the Law of decision creeping up upon you? You have fears that feel genuine that are stopping you, holding you back, pinning you to the ground making it almost impossible for you to move forward? Yet you know if the decision isn’t made and made fast your life will continue with unhappiness, bitterness, frustration and a lack of real growth which your inner being is begging you for. It’s always worth saying fear is simply a mind game where your mind takes you to an expected outcome. The reality is usually very different, the outcome is usually never quite what we thought, the reaction and actions are never quite what we expected. My decision to leave a faith of half my life has led me to where I am now. I can look back and understand what took place, why it took place and the overall result of my decision. Where will your decision take you? Into a life of sameness, blandness and frustration or a new life of excitement, passion, growth. Or will your acceptance of the Law of decision take you into new areas, new places, new ground where you will be able to look back over time and really understand what and why you did what you did.


  Alan Forrest Smith is the Author of Acclaimed Life-Changing book … Escape from Zoomanity 33 Years a student of spirituality 27 years a student of business and marketing Serving for change and a better

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Law of the Moment


The Law of Humanity