The Law of Humanity
Law of Humanity by Alan Forrest Smith
Let’s go back a little here, before houses, before cars, before HDMI TV and smart phones. Before Apple iEverything and just about every other man-made, lust after, want to have gadget, jewelry, watch, label and just about anything that gives you a quick fix and a smile for a day.
Let’s go back to the laws of humanity.
Let me ask you, have you ever had one of those feelings where you 'knew' something wasn't right, it was wrong, it didn't feel good, you just 'knew'? I can think of many cases in my own life when I knew it wasn't right, it never felt right but I carried on doing it. I can think of a relationship for example that was great but never felt right. Although at the time I felt it and enjoyed a lot of it something inside on a much deeper level I never understood and ignored told me that is wasn't right and couldn't be right for me, it could never be a success. The question is why did I stay in this relationship when I 'knew'? Fear? Fear of being alone, fear of sleeping alone, fear of walking, talking, eating alone. Yet the reality is maybe those fears were not justified, maybe they were manufactured by an external force based around conditioning, based around repeatism and based around zoomanic expectations and behaviors. Once I finally let go of that relationship I look back and ask myself " I knew it wouldn't, it couldn’t work, why did I ignore it for so long?". My inner being was speaking to me but my ears were closed. Have you done that with something in your life? I'm more than sure this is something you will have been through at some level. You ‘just know’ but you don't act on what you know. his is your own law of humanity at work. he law of humanity cannot be seen but it can be felt. The law of humanity cannot speak yet you can hear it speaking in silence. he law of humanity has no hands to hold yet you can feel it guiding you. It's interesting in other cultures long, long ago they lived, worked and breathed the law of humanity via dreams, via premonitions, via feelings or through invisible forces that rarely needed to be explained, just accepted. People did that for millenniums in fact there are extensive records as close as the 17th century where whole communities in the United Kingdom practiced this in all aspects of their lives. What changed? Today rather than whole communities there are small pockets that are seen as extreme for tapping back into their natural states. Why the change? he mind began to be fed a steady force of unnatural nature, pushing and driving ideas through into the very core of men, that would shape mankind into a more dream-like existence away from reality, and ultimately shape your own humanity. Yet people have never changed, people are people, humans are humans, you are you. Just peel away those layers that have been passed down through the millennium, that have been piled on layer upon layer then finally you'll release your own inner law of humanity. It's about now how you are, how you feel, how you BE. It’s about going with it but most of all it's about knowing yourself with a vision that understands each action, each step, each move has a consequence in your life. Do you feel something about something right now but you are ignoring it? Because you are ignoring it is that causing you more pain. Is the more pain building and building to the point you are feeling weighed down? Do you finally feel over-whelmed by this endless weight. You are in resistance, resistance to your own inner law of humanity. The more you resist, the darker, heavier your life will feel. Can you feel it? his IS your own in-built Law of humanity. It’s speaking to you but you don’t hear, it’s asking you but you don’t reply, its begging you but you ignore. his is time, your time to listen, to awaken, to tune in. Then and only then can you awaken fully and start to engage your own law of humanity. Question everything, now you know about the Law of Humanity.
Alan Forrest Smith is the Author of Acclaimed Life-Changing book ... Escape from Zoomanity
33 Years a student of spirituality 27 years a student of business and marketing Serving for change and a better world.