The Anthropoid Polyhistor
Lets face it, men are men, women are women and since the days of our creation or appearance the basics have never changed. Technology, the world, the way we live now that's a change a real change. Pressures to win, to do, to survive coming from all fronts. Meet Declan. He'll share his story with you. 7 years ago I began a job in the city of London. Honestly I loved it, adored it even. I would have to wake at 5:45am each day to start my trip in the city at around 7am. The trip was cool at first, the excitement and rush of being part of the masses made me feel good. I would get to my office at 8:30am and the pressure of the day would start the second I walked through the door. The first six months was mind-blowing. Hard work, hard play, I loved every moment. I even met my gorgeous sweetheart at the office parties. Then after a year I would start to get tired, I was slowing and feeling not as fit and healthy as before. I suppose that was the big fat-filled sandwiches and after work drinks and smokes taking its toll. 4 years on I'm 38 years old, the love of my life has left me because I over-worked and never gave her the attention I should have. I have 3 credit cards all maxxed-out. I can't remember the last time I went away on holiday. I've piled on weight, my 6 pack looks like a keg of beer, my hair is thinning and my skin is grey with stress. What went wrong? I was told if I lived my life this way it would be amazing. Turns out I was just another city slave, slaving for my masters. I had to leave due to ill health. They never missed me, I never heard from them. It's time for me to re-think my life. Interesting story from Declan, yet will ring true in so many ears. Yet the reality is this is how Declan was told his life would be great if he worked in a good job, gave it 100%, almost dedicate his life and time to it, get paid well for the long hours but today, now he has lost the love of his life, he feels his health has deteriorated and looking in the mirror he see someone he no longer recognizes. This is life in 2011, a reflection of an average reality. It no longer works. Man has been spoon-fed an unreachable dream surrounded by nirvanic visions of mass consumption. Yet the dream cannot ever be reached. A new phone is followed by a new version of the phone. Same with TVs, cars, appliances, holidays and almost every other consumer sold. Bigger, better, newer and cleaner than clean, improved, better than ever! It's the world of 2011 yet it's clear things need to change. Yet we are being told, sold and encouraged always to make changes yet who is it that encourages us? Does the new feed of change come through sellers in shops, sellers from stage, those in power or... YOU? You will hit a point, you might have hit the point when you simply say or feel you have had enough. This is the moment your inner being is finally awakened, its the moment when you have to and must decide what direction to take. There are two options. 1. Get a grip and get back to work. 2. Embrace your Anthropoid Polyhistor What? This is your very learned human. This is the part of you that knows, that has always known, that has been covered, been locked away, been held back so many times by the thoughts of others. Yes you are learned and you your historical learning is your route to a better life. Even more important is the feelings within you that you have put aside, you have ignored and you have rarely listened to. This is the time for you to tune in and make changes for the sake of your own life and the lives of those around you. Ignore it you lose health, loved ones and more Embrace it and accept change is coming your way. Yet we are surrounded by a system that makes us nervous, unaware and resistant to change of any kind. The reality is life is change, change is life. The way you face up to change can be the making or breaking of you. Fail to see and accept the change and your life can be as good as over. Embrace and devour the changes and your life could be starting again from a new, fresh and enlivened perspective. By the way Declan got his sweetheart back again. He left his job. He left his old life. He left his old habits. No drink. No smokes. 50 pounds lighter Declan is a new man, he also has his woman, they are living a life in a spectacular fashion. To live a live that's extraordinary you have to do something extraordinary. That of course is up to you. I hope this article, thought, observation helps you in some way. I love feedback, please let me know and if you enjoy post the article on your Facebook page. Alan Forrest Smith