WikiLeaks Assange- Agent of Change?
Are you angry or simply dismayed at the way revealers of truths are treated, humiliated, lynched and at times murdered by those that make claims to protect your constitution? I am? If you read this blog you also know most of my postings are to do with observations that I see. Right, wrong, that's not for me to decide so I wanted to share an observation that is high profile right now. For decades. centuries and even millenniums men of power have carried out murder of those that threaten their power which is usually dressed in a cloak of democracy. History is littered with the corpses of those dead. Unusually the murdered dead are agents of change. The dead also have the characteristic of deeper insight and being able to tap into the invisible consciousness of man or in other words, the way mankind is feeling right now on mass. If I had to sum up 2000 - 2010 and would call it a decade of lies, cover-up and mass deception. But that's just me. 10 years of being hood-winked, blind-folded and lied to is taking is toll on the consciousness of humanity. I've worked in the business arena that have shown the very same jaded symptoms where the audience becomes so jaded by what they were told as the truth yet it turned out to have elements of truth but mostly a lie dressed in truth. The World is no different and in a cyclical way now and then revealers of the lies somehow achieve massive status almost overnight with everyone and anyone looking to silence them. Silencing these days can involve. Taking down a website Throwing someone in prison until they drop dead from abuse Paying someone or demanding someone simply kill them, after all... they are rocking the boat of those running mankind, those that manipulate the masses for the sake of their own needs. You know; "make them feel they are getting what they want when the reality is they give us what we want" which is power. Yet the simple truth is man's thirst for power cannot never be quenched! So the show goes on and arrives into 2010 Julian Assange and his vehicle Wikileaks Is this guy telling us what we already knew but now it's in the public consciousness? Yes we knew, stop playing shacked we all know most politicians are 'lying bastards' .. .that's what they do best. Gone are the days when a working man was voted to be a strong leader because he wanted to serve. The warrior leader has long since died. The power hungry failed graduates are now running the asyalums with their school rules! Lets be honest everyone knew white skin superiority over black skin couldn't be a truth yet that was a way for many nations for decade after decade. Until one person, one man, one individual made a stand when the time was right. Change then followed despite the individuals sometimes being persecuted until death. Yet ... the change still came. It appears WikiLeaks founder Julian is giving the mainstream what they already knew but now they can see it in black and white. This in turn has finally exposed the liars and cheats within authority for what the truly are, the cover has been removed and they stand naked for all to see. Result is humiliation. But when you humiliate the school bully generally he will come back with his 'gang' and get you then. Nothing new in this, it's old-new-news! Bad guy play good guy. Good guy exposes bad guy so good guy becomes bad guy. Its really not that complicated. It's really nothing new. Is this just a symptom? A symptom of a period in history where those in authority have now crossed the mark with their subjects? The lies, the deceptions, the mass announcements that turn out to be more and more lies some even resulting in we the general public being entertained by collateral damage on a school in a dry dusty country where another 137 olive skinned children have been slaughter. All in the name if... TRUTH. So they tell us. So the symptoms appear clear. The masses are sick and tired of being abused with half truths and old ways in new clothing. Yet this has to be a time of change for us all. The way was are now is surely no longer sustainable in this modern world where communications are instant, fast and accessible. Lies are exposed easy, truths can be shared from something as small as a mobile phone. Time have changed, time are changing, this is a time when we, me, you are being attracted to light bearers of a better light, new ways, 21st century thinking. This is a time for self realizing, awakenings and a stronger man appearing that can lead like a warrior not lead like a sheep. When you want peace you must go to a man of peace and study and listen and take counsel from that man. Who are those of peace? When you want truths you need to find a man that is based in truth and go and study and take counsel from the man of truth. Obvious right? Is the WikiLeaks founder a man for the 21st century? I have no idea but what I do know is this. Julian Assange isn't telling us anything our deeper parts didn't already know. What he has done has put the lies into human consciousness and this will be another very powerful agent for change. Sadly the bully boys have him now. He could end up dead. He could have an accident, he could be killed by a lone gunman who has been reading crazy books (so the media says) it's all very possible. Either way. Change is coming as sure as the next season follows the last. Do you have an opinion on Julian Assange, WikieLeaks or anything I have commented on? Share in the comment box below.